Following successful symposia on Interiors and Film in New York and Kingston, UK, Professor Pat Kirkham and Kingston University’s Modern Interiors Research Centre (MIRC: Director Professor Penny Sparke) call for proposals for articles and chapters for two publications.

The first is a book that Bloomsbury will publish (Rebecca Barden and her team will be guiding the process at the publishing end).  The other is a special issue of a peer review academic journal (not yet finalized).

The working titles around which the book and the special issue will be organized are:



This can be either screen or stage or both, including screen adaptations of stage pieces.

At MIRC we interpret ‘Interiors’ in the broadest manner possible, including interiority, and encourage contributions that reflect this as well as those with a focus on set design, art direction, props, genres, individual works, and the inter-relationship of production design and costume design. We also welcome contributions that relate to stage and screen across the globe.

The editors are Pat Kirkham and Penny Sparke from MIRC, Kingston University, UK, and Sarah Lichtman, Director of the MA in Design History and Curatorial Studies, at Parsons/The New School, New York City.

Proposals should be at least three paragraphs long but we welcome longer ones too, as well as more finished pieces.


Important dates:
  • May 31 2018: deadline for proposals
  • June 15 2018: selections made, and people notified if their proposal has been accepted. Depending on the submissions accepted, decisions now made about which proposals best fit which publication.
  • Sept 30 2018:  articles/chapters due
  • Dec 1 2018: comments and suggested revisions due back to authors
  • March 1 2019:  completed/revised work due. NB: articles will be formally accepted or rejected at this point
  • Aug 1 2019:  editors send copy for publication

Please send proposals to Pat Kirkham at: by May 31 2018