Critical Studies in Television is an international, peer-reviewed journal of television studies. CST is committed to providing a distinctive intellectual platform for the best emerging scholarship in the field, presenting innovative research as well as sustained learned discussion on television.

Television studies has always been an interdisciplinary affair, a hybrid enterprise drawing on varying critical paradigms, situated at an intersection between theory and practice. CST aims to draw together divergent disciplines and different ways of thinking, to promote and advance television as a distinct academic discipline. The journal seeks to be scholarly but accessible, and encourages the academic and broader intellectual communities to recognise television studies as a coherent field of knowledge. It welcomes contributions on any aspect of television—production studies and institutional histories, audience and reception studies, theoretical approaches, conceptual paradigms and pedagogical questions. It continues to invite analyses of the compositional principles and aesthetics of texts, as well as contextual matters relating to both contemporary and past productions.

In association with the refereed hard copy journal, CSTOnline provides an online scholarly forum and research network for television studies. Offering up-to-date information for those studying television, it includes news of research, television courses and funding opportunities, conferences/symposia and workshops, as well as original writing on television with weekly blogs.

Our mission is dedicated to disseminating knowledge and fostering a dynamic intellectual platform for television studies worldwide.

The journal pursues a broad, interdisciplinary remit, encouraging researchers to define television and debate television studies as a discipline.

We invites analyses of the compositional principles and aesthetics of texts as well as research findings on contextual matters relating to both contemporary and past productions. CST also recognises that any understanding of television extends beyond textual matters and production/reception contexts, to focus on historical, conceptual, political and economic dimensions as well. The journal continues its commitment to transdisciplinary, transnational television exchange and circulation, translation and adaptation, as well as making visible unknown and/or neglected aspects of television, along with presenting empirical and archival research rarely discussed.

The journal welcomes suggestions for themed issues, as well as special sections like the dossier (original research—letters, interviews, etc.) and ‘In Debate’ (possibly based on conference/workshops).

Innovation is encouraged, intellectual curiosity demanded and difference expected.  CST reaffirms its commitment to fostering an energetic critical platform where new television studies research creates agendas and flourishes.