CfP: conference “Enfreakment in (Transnational) North American Culture”. May 22-23, 2025 @ Leipzig University (GER). Deadline: July 28, 2024

CfP: “Carry on Conferencing, Or, Carry On and/as History”. May 30, 2024 @ University of Warwick (UK). Deadline: Feb 16, 2024

CfP: international symposium “Media Frictions”. May 2-3, 2024 @ Jönköping (SWE). Deadline: Jan 9, 2024.

CfP: ECREA Television Section Conference 2023 “Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods”. Oct 25-27, 2023 @ Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (GER). Deadline: May 1, 2023.

CfP: Graduate conference “Atmospheres of Violence”. May 3-5, 2023 @ Harvard University (US). Deadline: Jan 15, 2023.

CfP: Media Mutations 14 “Investigating Medical Drama TV series: approaches and perspectives”. May 18-19, 2023 @ University of Bologna (ITA). Deadline: Feb 15, 2023

CfP: conference “Rewired and revamped? Media and trans/national feminisms in Europe and beyond”. May 11-12, 2023 @ Tampere University (FIN). Deadline: Dec 01, 2022.

CfP: conference “Shadow Screens: Unmade, Unseen, Unreleased Film and Television”. May 23-24, 2022 @ Sheffield Hallam University (UK). Deadline: Jan 31, 2022

CfP: conference “Regulating African Digital Media”. May 2022 @ Birmingham City University (UK). Deadline: Jan 14, 2022.

CFP: conference “Queer Representation: Pasts, Presents, Futures”. May 11-14, 2021 @ online. Deadline: March 08, 2021.

CfP: symposium “Lovespells & Rituals for Another World”. May 29-30, 2020 @ Central London (UK). Deadline: March 15, 2020.

CfP: workshop “Horror, Cult and Exploitation Media IV”. May 7, 2020 @ Northumbria University (UK). Deadline: March 20, 2020.

CfP: symposium “Cultures of Authenticity”. May 6-7, 2020 @ Loughborough University (UK). Deadline: Feb 28, 2020.

CfP: Media Mutations 12 “Broadcasting Reloaded”. May 18-19, 2020 @ University of Bologna (ITA). Deadline: February 16, 2020.

CfP: conference “Queer Representation: Pasts, Presents, Futures”. May 21-22, 2020 @ University of Edinburgh (UK). Deadline: March 20, 2020.

CfP: symposium “Murder and True Crime in the Media”. May 29, 2020 @ St Mary’s University, Twickenham (UK). Deadline: Feb 14, 2020.

CfP: ICA 2020 post-conference “Digital Platform Regulation: Beyond Transparency and ‘Openness’”. May 26, 2020 @ Griffith University Gold Coast Campus (AUS). Deadline: Dec 20, 2019.

CfP: New Facets of Historical Film and Television in Contemporary Europe. May 8-9, 2020 @ Lund University (SWE). Deadline: Dec 15, 2019.

CfP: conference “Media, Mediations and Mediators: (Re) Mediating History in the 21st Century” May 6-8, 2020 @ Autonomous University of Puebla (MEX) Deadline: July 15, 2019.

CfP: research workshop “Horror, Cult and Exploitation Media III” May 3, 2019 @ Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK) Deadline: April 1, 2019.

CfP: 15th Annual Irish Screen Studies Seminar, May 09-10, 2019 @ Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway (IE). Deadline: Feb 22, 2019.

CfP: Media Mutations 2019 “Media, Diplomacy and Soft Power: Exploring the Relations Between Emerging Markets and Western Countries”. May 20-21, 2019 @ Università di Bologna (IT). Deadline: Jan 20, 2019.

CfP: GSNAS Graduate Conference “American Ambiguities: Is now the era of our disconsent?” May 22–24, 2019 @ Freie Universität Berlin (GER) Deadline: Jan 31, 2019.

CfP: conference “Representing Gender in the North: 1945 to the present day” May 23, 2018 @ University of Sheffield (UK). Deadline: April 3, 2018.

CfP: workshop “Media Systems under Pressure: Recent Developments in Media Freedom in Central and Eastern Europe” May 18, 2018 @ University of Amsterdam (NED). Deadline: March 18, 2018.