Doctoral Summer School 2018

Where: *Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media & Communications, UK.
When: *4th-6th July, 2018 (Start: Wednesday 4th July 9am – End: Friday 6th July 5pm).

For whom: Doctoral students at all stages of their research and early-stage post-docs. We welcome applications from PhD candidates whose research is located within a broad range of subject disciplines including: Business and Management, Communication, Creative and Cultural Industries, Journalism and Media Studies.


The Doctoral Summer School will have two inter-connected themes. Firstly, we aim to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them to develop as Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and contribute to the next generation of academics. Secondly, we will engage students with a /fusion /of media and management theory, and practice by examining the emerging theoretical and media practice developments that will ultimately define the next generation of research challenges.
The Summer School will consist of four blocks of activity:

  • Developing Early Career Researchers: these sessions prepare PhD students for life as an ECR. This will include: How to develop a publishing strategy; Writing for an academic journal; Developing a digital profile & research network; EU funding opportunities for ECRs.
  • Thesis Feedback: doctoral students will present their research and receive feedback from senior faculty and peers. These sessions will help students to structure their arguments and clarify their contribution to knowledge.
  • Leading Edge Research: senior faculty from within the academic community will present their research and facilitate group activities and discussion.
  • Media Practice: senior executives from media firms will present their thoughts on the ‘big issues’ that media firms will face in the future.

Further details can be found on the European Media Management Association (emma) website here: