Monday 26th June – Friday 30th June 2023: The Disney, Culture and Society’s First Annual Conference celebrating 1 year of DisNet!
Monday 26th June – Friday 30th June 2023
An international, multi-billion dollar media conglomerate, the Walt Disney Company has been in our lives since 1923. From Disney’s humble beginnings to its current transmedia success, the academic exploration of the Walt Disney Company’s business, films, products, theme parks, shows, streaming platform, and other consumer experiences has come to the fore in recent years through the creation of Disney Studies.
To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Walt Disney Company and the first year of our own Disney, Culture & Society Research Network, we want to reflect on the past, present, and future of conversations around Disney Studies in our first annual conference.
The conference features a fantastic roundtable keynote from Dr Shearon Roberts, Dr Rebecca Williams and Dr Johnson Cheu discussing the past, present and future of Disney as a field of study and a company.
We are aware of the current state of the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial precarity of scholars, and the environmental harm and the difficulties of procuring visas for international travel. We want to make this conference as accessible to as many different Disney scholars as possible, so this will be a free online conference.
Online registration via