We are living in turbulent and increasingly dangerous times which are in large part defined and influenced by the very thing we study and research, namely media, communication infrastructures, algorithms, and data. Faced with an uncertain future, we can discern both dystopian and optimistic scenarios. In terms of the former we need critique, as well as ethical norms and values to validate those critiques. Regarding the latter, alternative imaginaries of hope, social justice and solidarity need to be developed or indeed rejuvenated.

In our 20th anniversary conference, we aim to address both the critiques of the present and to consider and imagine alternative pathways. We welcome papers aligned with our four research themes: 1) Media Culture and Identities; 2) Histories and Futures; 3) Media, Participation and Politics; and 4) Communication, Technology, Rights and Justice.

More details on calls for the specific strands can be found here: https://lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/media-lse/Call-for-Papers.

Conference Format

Our current expectation is that the conference will hold in-person on the LSE campus in London. Any changes to this, due to developments in the COVID-19 situation in the UK, will be communicated promptly.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals are welcome for single or co-authored papers. Only one proposal per person should be submitted here: https://forms.office.com/r/r034jyy5dae (multiple authors welcome). Proposals must include: a title for the paper, an abstract of up to 300 words, a contact email address and indication of institutional affiliation.

The deadline for submissions is: Monday 31 October 2022.

Outcomes will be communicated by: Friday 9 December 2022.

Registration Fees

The cost of attendance is £100. Waivers will be available on request for students and academics based in low-income countries and on hourly paid or adjunct contracts.

Questions and Further Information

Please direct any questions about the conference and/or the submission process to: Media.Futures@lse.ac.uk