The zombie as an allegory for cultural, social, and scientific analysis spans almost every discipline including humanities, biology, mathematics, anthropology, economics, and political science. This range of use for the zombie narrative is a clear indication of its adaptability and viability as a distinct framework for critical theory. This conference will serve as a timely and much-needed platform for the development of international and interdisciplinary relationships between researchers, educators, practitioners and other interested parties. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Zombiism.

Potential topics:

  • Ecocritical Zombiism
  • Zombies in Popular Culture
  • Historical/Literary Mash-ups
  • The Undead in Myth & Folklore
  • Zombies in survival video games
  • Zombies and Consumer Capitalism
  • Linguistic Perspectives on the Undead
  • Globalization, Refugees, and Migration
  • Gender/Ethnicity/Race and the Undead
  • Nationalism through the Zombie Narrative
  • Zombiism and Visual Culture and Art History
  • Zombie Infections as a Metaphor for Pandemics
  • Re-evaluation the Function of Horror in Society
  • Dead digital objects and undead archival objects
  • Expanding Zombie tropes in other forms and fields
  • Zombie Phenomenology/Philosophy/Psychoanalysis
  • The Science of Zombiism / The Zombification of Science
  • Legal Zombiism: Law and Legislation that refuse to die
  • Zombie Visuality: Motifs unique to the Zombie’s visual personality

Join us in Derry, recently named, by USA Today, ‘Best Halloween Destination in the World’, for this 2023 international zombie conference! Please send a 300 word abstract, plus bio, to by Dec 5th 2022.

See detailed Call for Papers here: