Author: CSTonline

PREACHER MAN by Jason Jacobs

Walton Goggins.  What a name.  Worthy of Dickens, everything about it just fits when you know his work: the Depression-era mountain-boy Sunday morning re-run buzz of the Christian name and the boggle-eyed hillbilly, gin n’ grog...

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TIS THE SEASON by David Lavery

I envy David Chase doing only thirteen episodes a season. I won’t insult him to suggest that’s a luxury because I know how hard he must work, but I think I would do very different episodes of Touched by an Angel if I had the...

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THE HORROR OF GRIEF by Stacey Abbott

In 2010, Michele Byers and David Lavery published the book On the Verge of Tears: Why Movies, Television, Music, Art, Popular Culture, Literature and the Real World Make us Cry (Cambridge University Press). The essays included...

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