International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media, and Feminism

July 27-29 2017

East Carolina University

Greenville, NC

Console-ing Passions was founded in 1989 by a group of feminist media scholars and artists looking to create a space to present work and foster scholarship on issues of television, culture, and identity, with an emphasis on gender and sexuality. The first Console-ing Passions conference was held at the University of Iowa in 1992. Since then, Console-ing Passions has expanded to become not only the most important conference for scholars studying gender in television but also among the top conferences for scholars of media generally.

The 2017 Conference Organizing Committee invites proposals for individual papers, pre-constituted panels, and pre-constituted forums that consider television, video, audio, or new media alongside gender, sexuality, race, and/or other intersected components of identity. We also welcome proposals for video, audio, or new media creative works related to gender and other modes of identity. In light of the possible persistence of House Bill 2 in North Carolina, the host committee encourages and will give special preference to panels, forums and creative works that engage with the stakes and consequences of studying, teaching and writing about LGBTQI representation and how it intersects with gender identity, racial and economic justice, class, immigration and citizenship, ability and disability, incarceration, and other categories and social concerns. In particular, we encourage encourage panels and forums specifically devoted to critically interrogating HB2 and anti-LGBTQI legislation in North Carolina and elsewhere in order to make CP@ECU a venue for engaging and analyzing the impact of this legislation as well as a space of resistance.

A note on undergraduate submissions: Console-ing Passions is also accepting undergraduate proposals. Please encourage interested undergraduates to apply.

A note on travel funding: Scholars who wish to attend CP@ECU but lack state travel funds due to boycotts of North Carolina related to HB2 will be eligible to apply for assistance from a limited pool of special travel funds. Stay tuned for more information.

A note on House Bill 2: Console-ing Passions 2017 will provide a safe, welcoming environment to all of its members. The 2017 Conference Organizing Committee does not support or enforce HB2. Both the ECU Faculty Senate and the Greenville City Council passed resolutions opposing HB2.

Submission Guidelines:

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM (US Eastern Daylight Time) on Monday, January 16 2017.

The Submittable link will be available starting on December 1, 2016:

Proposal Guidelines:

Proposers may submit:

1. one paper or creative project, and one CP Forum.

Attendees may present:

1. one paper or creative project, and may participate in one CP Forum.

Individual Papers: Individuals submitting a paper proposals should provide an abstract of 250 words, a short bio, and contact information. Co-authored papers are acceptable.

Panels: Panel coordinators should submit a 250-word rationale for the pre-constituted panel as a whole. Coordinators should submit a 250-word abstract, a short bio, and contact information for each panel participant. Panels should include 3-4 papers. Co-authored papers are acceptable. Panels that include a diversity of panelist affiliations and experience levels are strongly encouraged.

CP Forums: Building upon the success of discussion-based roundtables at Flow and other conferences, we invite proposals for a limited number of pre-constituted roundtables that focus either on scholarly topics in the field or matters of professional interest. We are especially interested in roundtables that are likely to engage wide participation by conference attendees and which reflect our field’s diversity of cultural identities, institutions, methodologies, and professional rank or employment status. Proposals should be submitted by a convener, who will propose a question (<100 words) and solicit brief (<250 words) responses from 5-7 respondents. Proposals should also include a brief bio and contact information for the convener and each participant. If the proposal is accepted, each participant will write a response to the question of no more than 600 words, which must be submitted to the conference organizers 2 weeks prior to the conference. Those papers will be circulated to all attendees and will form the basis of a public discussion during the CP Forum sessions. Roundtable participants’ remarks at the conference should be brief in order to encourage substantive discussion with attendees.

Creative Works: We invite proposals for video, audio, or new media screenings or exhibits. Each proposal should consist of a 350-word abstract (including the length and format of the work), a short bio of the producer/director, and contact information. If the work is viewable online, please submit a URL.

Please direct any questions about the conference and/or the submission process to the conference organizers:


Follow us on Twitter: @CPECU17 Like us on FB:

Visit the conference website for updates about events, schedules, travel information, and more:

Conference Organizers:

Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs, Teaching Instructor, Department of English (Women’s Studies)

Anna Froula, Associate Professor, Department of English (Film Studies)

Amanda Ann Klein, Associate Professor, Department of English (Film Studies)

Marianne Montgomery, Associate Professor, Department of English (Renaissance Studies)

Jennifer Valko, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages (Hispanic Studies)

Katy Kavanagh Webb, Assistant Professor, Joyner Library

Carolyn Willis, Associate Professor, Joyner Library