This is a reminder that the Learning on Screen (British Universities & Colleges Film and Video Council) termly magazine, ViewFinder is currently open for submission – and the Autumn term 2020 theme is HOME.

We are inviting Professors, Academics, Research Students and Practitioners to send pitches and proposals to ViewFinder Magazine. ViewFinder has an ISSN (2634-8179), we are not peer reviewed but writing for us has ‘impact’ outside academia, and will count as open access for ReF 2021.

We are looking for essays and articles on: film, television, radio, education, research projects involving the moving image.

THE HOME ISSUE – will explore representations of the domestic in film, television, radio and the media. Although this theme was chosen over a year ago, the impact of Covid-19 and the Lockdown has made understanding and interrogating notions of ‘home’, ‘indoors’ and the domestic much more apposite.

Articles and essays with a focus on the trappings of Home, how gender operates in the domestic sphere, horror and other genre interpretations of Home, plus the future of education, audiovisual and online teaching are most welcome.

Submissions and proposals should aim to fit into the theme, but it is not mandatory, we also welcome film and book reviews on any subject.

Deadline for proposals is late September 2020.

Please send proposals to Kit Caless at Learning On Screen:

You can read ViewFinder here