The Young Scholars Network of ECREA (YECREA) is happy to invite students and early-career scholars to a full day of workshops right before the 8th European Communication Conference (ECC) in Braga, Portugal.

Date: 01 October 2020

Deadline of application: April 05, 2020
Number of participants: 8-10 for each workshop.

The pre-conference consists of three workshops, covering different theoretical, methodological and practical tasks and challenges for young researchers. Applicants can apply to all three panels or just a single panel, if they wish to.

The aim is to provide a forum of knowledge exchange between young researchers where they can present their work, network and receive insights and advice from senior scholars. Senior facilitators will be announced later.

1) Workshop on methods to study digital culture

The workshop aims at sharing methods for researching digital culture, with a specific focus on audience research and sentiment analysis. The event will be opened with a seminar held by one of our proposed speakers, upon which participants will build for an open discussion about best practice, ethics and social responsibility, together with any other topics relevant to the main theme.

Participants will be encouraged to bring their own work in progress, experience and open issues with them to contribute to the discussion and brainstorm solutions.

2) Workshop on Academic Writing & Publishing Academic Research 

This workshop will provide early career scholars with advice and ideas for writing and publishing their work as central qualifications in academia. You will have the chance to exchange experiences on the writing process with peers and receive advice from senior scholars on publications processes and strategies. For example, touching upon questions such as what, how much, in which formats and journals can I publish?

3) Workshop on Labour & Health in Communication Research

This workshop is designed for young scholars to develop practical coping mechanisms for various expectations placed on them, such as, publishing pressures (while writing their PhD), getting grants and funding, teaching, getting recognition for their work in competitive environments, dealing with imposter syndrome, searching for stable employment, and many others. We envision having a roundtable discussion, with all participants sharing their experiences with these challenges, the different ways they have dealt with them in the past, as well as input from senior scholar(s).

How to apply
Submissions should be sent via this digital form:

All applicants should include a brief description of their motivation for participating (max 200 words) and a brief description of their PhD project (max. 200 words).

Applicants do not have to be members of YECREA or ECREA.

Evaluation process
Applications will be processed by the YECREA pre-conference organisers.

If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of participants, selection will be based on motivation as well as ensuring geographical diversity and supporting new scholars in the field.

Key Dates
Deadline for submissions: 05 April 2020
Notification of Acceptance: 15 April 2020
Pre-conference date: 01 October 2020

A small fee might be confirmed later, but will in any case not exceed 50€ for all three workshops, including lunch. YECREA is working to obtain funding to support the workshop.

If you have any questions, please contact