Screen Cultures – Conference Call for Papers
Tues 10 and Weds 11 July 2018, Birmingham City University, UK
The Screen Cultures research cluster part of the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research at Birmingham City University invite panels, roundtables, and individual paper proposals across all areas of Screen Cultures research. This major two day conference will provide unique and collaborative opportunities to present cutting edge work and for early career researchers to engage with senior scholars in the field of Film and Screen Studies more broadly.
The organisers are in discussion with BAFTSS (British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies) about opportunities to publish articles deriving from the conference in their new online journal Open Screens
Suggested conference areas include but are not limited to:
- Digital Screens
- Audiences and Fandom
- Gender and Sexuality
- Diasporic, Transnational and Global Media
- Invisible, Abject, Cult and Minority Screens
- Affected/ive Screens
- Screen Equality and Diversity
- Screen Cultures and the Creative Industries
- Ageing and Generations
- Quality TV
- Histories of Screen Cultures (including Production Histories)
We welcome panel submissions of up to 3-4 papers and individual papers (250 words abstracts per paper with a 75 words bio details per author) by the Abstract Deadline: Friday 8th December 2017. Please submit your proposals to:
Participants will be notified of acceptance by late January 2018.
Conference registration fees will be £145 waged and £70 students (morning teas and coffees, lunch and light refreshments will be provided on both days, accommodation is to be arranged by the selected delegates themselves and a hotel list will be provided near to campus in central Birmingham)
To discuss your submission ahead of the deadline please contact:
Professor John Mercer –
Professor Rajinder Dudrah –